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Where do I find my serial number ? |
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If you purchased the product from our web as a download, the serial number will be supplied to you in an email sent by element 5.
If you purchased the product as a 'boxed' product, the serial number is printed on a registration card supplied in the box.
If you already have the product installed and running and want to know your serial number, go to the 'application you are using' menu and select 'Enter Serial Number ...', click agree to the license agreement and a product registration dialog will come up, it will contain the serial number. If the 'Enter Serial Number ...' is not active, i.e. Grayed out, then quit out of the application and run it again and as soon as it starts to launch hold down the control key, that will bring up the same license agreement and click agree to continue.
If you can not find your serial number then please contact Microspot Technical Support. Click here to take you to Microspot Technical Support section.
Please beware that we are only able to REMIND you of your serial number if :
1) You purchased the product off our web ( or 2) Purchased the product from our US distributor - Macro Enter corp and if you prefer, you can contact them directly - 3) You registered your purchase via our web page. This is NOT the same as entering the registration information in the registration dialog to activate the product.
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