Search Results for "corrunpt file" |
There were 14 questions found for your query:
Why do I get error 1311: source file not found when installing PC Draft and PC Draft PE ?
The reason is that the product is supplied as a .zip file and it has not been unzipped. When you double-click on a .zip file, it opens up the archive, it does not expand it so you need to move the con...
Why am I getting an error -27 when opening a dwg file
Current version of MacDraft Pro (6.0.1) supports up to autocad 2009
format. The file being opened is created by later version of auto cad
(2010/2011 format).
We are currently working on 2010/20...
Why am I getting an error -27 when opening a dwg file
Current version of DWG Viewer (1.6.6) supports up to autocad 2009 format. The file being opened is created by later version of auto cad (2010/2011 format). We are currently working on 2010/2011 forma...
Why do I get error -27 when attempting to read DWG file ?
Attempt is being made to open a dwg file format that is not currently supported in DWG Viewer. Version 1.6.6 support dwg 2007/2008/2009 (AC1021) format. Version 1.7 supports dwg 2010/2011/2012 (AC10...
Why do get an error when I launch a Microspot application that I have just downloaded ?
...n tools to uncompress the archive. You can do his by doing the following :
High-light the .zip file you have downloaded and do get info.
From the Open with, set the application from the pop-up ...
Why do I keep getting "shared libarary error <Design Link><Design Link>." ?
...n tools to uncompress the archive. You can do his by doing the following :
High-light the .zip file you have downloaded and do get info.
From the Open with, set the application from the pop-up ...
How do I do a clean install of Interiors/Interiors Pro ?
...older named 'Microspot' 5) Go into your hard disk:Library folder:Receipts folder and throw away any file that starts with 'Interiors' and ends in '.pkg', (view as a list in name order so that they are...
How do I do a clean install of MacDraft/MacDraft P.E.
...references folder Microspot MacDraft Pref xx (where xx is a number) Microspot Registration info any file that starts ' ....' 7) Empty the trash. 8) From the finder do command F (find...
When I print using X-RIP, the file prints but is not deleted from the queue and no further prints can be made?
Make sure you have done a full, Easy Install of the Mac OS X.(Not a custom install)
Can I open Dreams files in MacDraft version 5.6 ?
No, MacDraft 5.6 can only open files created by MacDraft version 4.3.5 and above. However, versions prior to 5.6 can open Dreams files and these need to be opened and re-saved in at least version 4....
Why does it not print contents of a greyed out layer as grey ?
Changing the layer to greyed does not change the attributes of the objects contained within the file, it merely greys the layer out so you can the outline of objects on the layer as opposed hidding t...
Can I open documents created in MacDraft in PC Draft ?
...text. All such objects will revert to solid fills and normal text. MacDraft version 5.6.x can open files created by MacDraft version 4.3.5 and above and by PC Draft 4.3.5 and above but due to file fo...
Can I open files created in older version of MacDraft, in MacDraft PE ?
Yes you can but ... - If you have files created in older version of MacDraft Pro (aka MacDraft), it means you already own MacDraft Pro so you should upgrade to the latest version rather than purchase...
Can I open files created in older version of MacDraft Pro in MacDraft Pro version 5.6 and later ?
YES. Any files which are created by MacDraft 4.3.5 and above can just be copied over to the new mac and MacDraft 5.6 and later will open them. You may need to add the extension .mdd.