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MacDraft Professional 6.2

What’s New in MacDraft Professional Version 6.2?

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  • Yosemite Icon
    Welcome Screen
  • Performance Icon
    Template Chooser
  • Vector Tools Icon
    Smart Snap
  • Palettes Icon
    Custom Guides
  • Gradients Icon
    Custom Interface
  • Scales Icon
    Centered Document
  • File Formats Icon
    Dead Zone Feature
  • Libraries Icon
    Helper Palette
  • Smart Feedback Icon
    Power & Interface
  • Compare Icon
    Compare Versions
DWG Support

Welcome Screen

MacDraft Welcome Screen
The Welcome Screen
A helpful screen that opens when the application runs. You can stop it opening at start-up, and access it via the Help menu.

New Tab
A single place to open new open new blank documents or select a default template to start with.

Recent Tab
Here is a list of all your recent documents with previews, making it much easier and faster for you to locate your documents.
Register Product
It’s much faster for you to navigate to the correct place to register your product with us. Registering your product gives access to free technical support and keeps you up to date with future releases, news and promotions.

Take a Tour
A selection of helpful slides to guide you through the use of MacDraft. This is a great place to start learning to use the features and options and learn where to begin with your drawings.
Connect with others in the community and keep up to date by joining our free online forum.

Video Tutorials
A quick link to take you to our collection of video tutorials and useful tips and tricks.

Help & Support
If you need further help and support this is a quick link to the best place on our site, giving you access to all of the help and support resources available.
Vector Tools

Template Chooser

MacDraft Template Chooser
Choosing Templates
You can select from any of the default templates via the New option. Alternatively you can open you own template files via the Open menu item via the File menu.
New Documents
You can set your app preferences to open the template chooser whenever you select the New option from the File menu, making it easier for you to get started.
New From Template
Save your own templates and use the preferences to choose them to open new documents. Take control over your document managament with ease and precision.
Vector Tools

Smart Snap

Smart Snap
Snapping to Objects
The Smart Snap feature gives you complete control over the positioning of your objects and groups with relation to other items in the document. Quickly snap to the edges and centers with intuitive and precise snap guides.
Snapping to Vertices
Combine the new Smart Snap feature with the vertices snapping option and you’ll have absolute control of the movement, manipulation, alignment and drawing of objects in relation to all other items in your document.
Smart Snap Control
You may wish to turn the Smart Snap feature off in more complex documents. You can do this via the Layout menu or for much quicker control over the option, you can use the Toolbar item to quickly switch Smart Snap on/off.
Vector Tools

Custom Guides

Custom Guides
Using Guides
Guides are a great way to control the position and alignment of you objects across a page. They can help when creating layout documents, CAD drawings, engineering plans and more.
Adding Guides
You can add guides either by holding the Command key down and dragging from the rulers to a location, or for precise guide positioning, you can use the add guide options in the Options menu.
Moving & Deleting
Moving guides is simple, you can cursor over a guide and drag it using the mouse. To delete a guide, you simply drag it so that it either overlaps the rulers or until it’s outside the document area.
Vector Tools

Custom Interface

Custom Interface
Background Color
Customize the background color of your document using the Interface Colors... option via the Options menu. You can also choose whether the background color you set is included in the printing of your document.
Grid Color
You can set a custom color for your Grid using the Interface Colors.. option via the Options menu. This will allow you to control your interface dependent on the background color you have set and the design you’re working on.
Guides Color
In addition to the background and grid colors, you can also change the color of your guides. All of these custom colors are stored with the document. You can also set the colors in the application preferences for consistency.
Vector Tools

Centered Document

Centered Document
Centered Document Area
Having the document centered in the window gives you much more control over it’s content and the positioning of objects withing the artboard. Zooming is also much easier to control when working with complex drawings.
Document Centering Control
The centering of the document is on by default, however there may be occasions where you want to use the standard layout. To change the document view between standard and centered, use the app preferences.
Vector Tools

Dead Zone Feature

Custom Interface
Overlapping Objects
Drag objects around the document area and overlap them into the dead space. This will allow you to control your bleeds and overlays for document layouts and printing.
Storing Objects
In addition to overlapping your objects, you can also drag them into the dead space and store them there while you are working on other parts of the drawing.
Excluded From Print
Anything stored in the dead space or overlapped will be excluded from printing. This allows you to control how your bleeds and document overlays are printed.
Vector Tools

Helper Palette

Centered Document
Help Using Tools
The Helper palette will help teach you how to use the main tools and dimensions in MacDraft. With the Helper palette open, simply select one of the main tools or dimension tools and the Helper palette will guide you through how to use them and show some helpful tips.
Modifiers & Keyboard Shortcuts
In addition to the step-by-step guides on how to use the tools, the Helper palette will also display any modifiers or keyboard shortcuts associated to that tool. This is a grteat way for you to get used to using faster methods of selecting tools and drawing, speeding up your designs.
Vector Tools

Power & Interface

Custom Interface
Speed Boost
MacDraft has undergone some major chnages at a low level, which has enabled us to provide a much faster performance, boosting the speed of the product.
Updated Icons
We have made some simple changes to the Toolbar and some palette icons to make them more intuitive and to provide a cleaner and more modern feel.
Show Size in Cursor
The cursor now displays the size parameters during the drawing of shapes and the resizing. In addition the cursor will display the position while moving objects.
Vector Tools

Compare features with older versions

Feature Overview
Version 5.6
Version 6.0
Version 6.1
Version 6.2
Welcome Screen
Template Chooser
Take a Tour
Smart Snap
Custom Guides
Custom Background Color
Custom Grid Color
Custom Guides Color
Centered Document
Usable Dead Space
Updated Icons
Show Size in Cursor
Helper Palette
Gradient Fills & Strokes
Custom Swatches
Drag / Draw Feedback
Star Tool
Single Key Shortcuts (main tools only)
Custom Scales
Image menu
Library Palette
Tool Palette
Accessory Palette
Dimension Palette
Linked Dimensions
Custom Dimension Palette
Resize Palette
Import / Export Images
Auto CAD DWG / DXF Support
Save as PDF
Integrated Database
Report Function
Printed Manual
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MacDraft Pro

Available as a digital download. Should you require a CD you can contact us directly for availability.

Take your designs to the next level and upgrade your products to the latest versions. There are various upgrade options available, depending on what version you’re using.
Register your product and take advantage of the benifits. Product registration gains access to free email and phone support as well as exclusive deals to registered users.
Do you have a question, query or are you experiencing an issue? Then contact the Support team or use the Live Chat and they will answer any queries you may have.

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