I bought MacDraft in 2010 to help assist architects layout our bicycle parking racks in the best and most efficient way, ensuring that every individual space was user friendly. With repurposing any space comes its challenges, but using graphic design software such as MacDraft allows me to accomplish this. Bicycle parking needs to be efficient to minimise the loss of car parks being built as they need to give way in order to make space for the ever-growing demand for bicycle parking.
What we do:
At Penny Farthings Pushbike Parking we market innovative bicycle ‘end of trip’ facilities and specialise in providing architectural advice and services in designing high quality cycling facilities for schools, universities and cities. Our novel product range represents a paradigm shift in the quality and the cost of establishing these facilities. Our range of bicycle racks deliver aesthetically pleasing high density bike parking for numerous applications in a cost effective fashion.
What we say:
Our experienced designers use the latest in design technology to develop products that influence how we interact with the world around us.
Final thought:
The one benefit I have found with MacDraft is it's simple learning curve allows the main features to be unlocked very quickly without specialised CAD training, and once your using it the more detailed functions become clearer and easier to learn, making it a great piece of design software.
With the help of MacDraft we create intricate graphic designs which the architect we work with can use to quickly see the most effective way to layout a space for the bikes. And this level of customer service has really helped our business grow.
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Mark Rossiter - Graphic Design Software
The one benefit I have found with MacDraft is it's simple learning curve allows the main features to be unlocked very quickly without specialised CAD training
I bought MacDraft in 2010 to help assist architects layout our bicycle parking racks in the best and most efficient way, ensuring that every individual space was user friendly. With repurposing any space comes its challenges, but using graphic design software such as MacDraft allows me to accomplish this. Bicycle parking needs to be efficient to minimise the loss of car parks being built as they need to give way in order to make space for the ever-growing demand for bicycle parking.
What we do:
At Penny Farthings Pushbike Parking we market innovative bicycle ‘end of trip’ facilities and specialise in providing architectural advice and services in designing high quality cycling facilities for schools, universities and cities. Our novel product range represents a paradigm shift in the quality and the cost of establishing these facilities. Our range of bicycle racks deliver aesthetically pleasing high density bike parking for numerous applications in a cost effective fashion.
What we say:
Our experienced designers use the latest in design technology to develop products that influence how we interact with the world around us.
Final thought:
The one benefit I have found with MacDraft is it's simple learning curve allows the main features to be unlocked very quickly without specialised CAD training, and once your using it the more detailed functions become clearer and easier to learn, making it a great piece of design software.
With the help of MacDraft we create intricate graphic designs which the architect we work with can use to quickly see the most effective way to layout a space for the bikes. And this level of customer service has really helped our business grow.
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